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UTH Healthcare

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Delivering the promise of Wellness with Medical Nutrition at various stages of life. Uth Healthcare Ltd., is an Indian market leading company which offers pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.

Thomas Edison once said that “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition”. The global burden of lifestyle diseases today is a testimony to this statement made well ahead in time.

The progressive economic culture that the world is witnessing today comes with its share of lifestyle problems owing to sedentary lifestyles, inadequate diets coupled with stress. Today, while life moves faster than thought, the economy is booming, financial prosperity is on the rise, the health is deteriorating. According to WHO (2015), worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. Globally, 50% of the obese individuals live in 10 countries that include India that is just behind US and China in this global hazard.

Overweight and obesity are linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight. India has become the diabetic capital of the world and is slated to be the topmost in cardiovascular disease too. In one way or another, we are all affected by Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as Obesity, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease and are the world’s leading silent killer. In fact, NCDs count for two out of three deaths each year worldwide. By 2030, eight out of 10 leading causes of death will be linked to NCDs. The global scenario paints a grim picture of the health of an individual wherein improper nutrition (either under or overnutrition) are major culprits of disease. Not only the disease in itself causes physical and mental agony, it is also an economic burden to the individual. We are facing a global epidemic.

The major underlying factors are, as we all agree are an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle coupled with stress. Thus, Uth Healthcare believes that there is an urgent need to address this problem head-on. Uth Healthcare firmly believes in the proverb…. “Prevention is the best Medicine”. It is imperative and natural to move towards a state of self-awareness and be responsible for our own health. The challenges of the modern lifestyle are inevitable, but the conscious decision of being the masters of our own health lies with us. Uth Healthcare believes in creating health through nutrition, and thus takes a pro-active step towards offering complete solutions on Good Health and join hands by being your Nutrition Partner.

Uth Healthcare, a pioneer in the field of Medical Nutrition is formed to cater to individualistic needs of nutrition. With a vision of delivering the promise of Good Health and Good Nutrition at various stages of life, Uth Healthcare works towards providing innovative scientific solutions to all needs of healthcare.

Uth Healthcare is committed to offering internationally acclaimed formulations in the field of Nutraceuticals and modern lifestyle problems like Obesity, Diabetes, Dermatology and Heart Disease and supports the nutritional management of these. Women Wellness is a prime focus area for Uth Healthcare, with emphasis during pregnancy for health management of the mother as well as her growing fetus. Uth Healthcare gives special focus on the management of Gestational Diabetes (GDM) to support the women as well as take care of her baby.

The scientifically focused approach of providing innovative solutions has established Uth Healthcare, as an international player, is Head Quartered in Pune, Maharashtra (India) with an outreach to all parts of India as well as presence across continents: Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle East.

Keeping this scenario in mind and the need for products that will help in boosting the “feel good inside, feel good outside” factor, Uth Healthcare takes the pleasure of bringing to you Uth Healthcare, Your Nutrition Partner. Under the banner of Uth Healthcare, we bring to you a wide range of quality products that will help in supporting the nutritional management of lifestyle disorders like Obesity, Diabetes (including Gestational Diabetes), Dermatological issues, and Cardiovascular Diseases. We introduce products that will answer all your needs for your wellness.