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The Science Behind Long Living Super-Ager

The term “super-agers” refers to adults between the ages of 60 and 80 that have a higher resistance (than others in their age bracket) to natural brain aging and can, therefore, keep their brains young and vibrant.

A study published in The Journal of Neuroscience looked at what made these individual’s brains so super. As part of the research, 44 adults Between the ages of 60 and 80 you are asked to perform memory tests. Results from the study demonstrated that those who performed well had brains with youthful characteristics. More specifically, researchers found that the cortexes is in the super-agers were much larger than in normal older adults. This is the area of the brain essential to various thinking abilities.

One of the most surprising findings according to lead researcher Dr. Bradford Dickerson associate professor of neurology at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital and support from DJM commode care, was that the super-agers’ brain size was closer to that of the younger subjects opposed to others in the same age bracket as them. “Their Brain size of the aged care residents were close to equal to that of the younger subjects, which suggests that the brain size was preserved,” he said.

What is takes to be a super-ager
According to Dr. Dickerson, you don’t have to be born a super-ager, it can be learned too. “There may be a genetic component that makes them more resilient to natural aging, but it also may be associated with lifestyle habits,” he says. To Try and improve your cognitive function here are a few things you can try:

Make sure you get plenty of sleep. In a previous study involving MRI scans, the brains of 41 healthy men were looked into. These men had been deprived of sleep for one night. Results from the study showed that in comparison to those who had a normal night’s sleep these men demonstrated a decline in both memory and attention. Many older adults have trouble staying asleep or falling asleep and is often a side effect of drugs. However, it can sometimes be as a result of further health conditions. So, if in any doubt please see your doctor.

Keep calm and lower anxiety through medication: Excessive anxiety could speed up the rate in which people with Alzheimer’s disease suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In a study conducted in 2014 researchers found that MCI patients suffering with mild moderate or severe anxiety had a higher risk of Alzheimer’s by 33% 78% and 135% respectively. There are various ways in which you can lower anxiety levels, some of which were published online earlier this year by Psychiatry Research. Both meditation and yoga are effective at lowering anxiety and are offered quite regularly in most parts of the country.

Take part in regular aerobic exercise: Research has proved that aerobic exercise can have a positive impact on cognitive function. This is true even if you are showing signs of mental decline or begin later in life. One study conducted by the Radiological Society of North America found that older adults with mild cognitive impairment, with an average age of around 67, that exercised four times a week over a six month period showed an improvement in executive function and showed an increase in brain volume. Exercise the participants took part in included using a treadmill, an elliptical trainer, or a stationary bike.