What is Feet And Elbows Cream Emolliz®
Emolliz® emollient cream contains Cetylated Fatty Ester complex, Glycolic Acid, Urea, Vitamin E, Olive Oil as main active ingredients. Emolliz® cream quickly restores normal skin of fissured and calloused feet and elbow by rapidly desquamating the hyperkeratotic skin with enhanced bioavailability of free active acids resulting in quick exfoliation of dead cells and enhanced nourishment of new cells with Urea and Cetylated fatty esters. Apply a thick layer on the affected area once daily preferably at night.
Cetylated Fatty Ester complex: They lubricate joints and muscles, soften tissues, and increase flexibility, aid in the reduction of inflammation (swelling) and is applied to the skin for osteoarthritis
Glycolic Acid: Effective for treating fine lines, acne, blackheads, dullness, oiliness and uneven texture
Urea: Used as medication and applied to the skin to treat dryness and itching such as may occur in psoriasis, dermatitis, or ichthyosis.
Vitamin E: Block free radicals from the body, which play a large part in the aging process. It reduces wrinkles and keeps the skin young-looking.
Olive Oil: Good for the skin as it contains anti-aging antioxidants.