What is CytoPro® Pollu-Defence Face Serum
Formulated as an easy absorbing on-the-go serum to tackle the damages caused by increasing air pollution. It contains polysaccharides that form a non-occlusive film on the skin and protects it from harmful substances in the environment. It is formulated with sunscreens and hydroxytyrosol that help to prevent the degradation of sunscreens. The sunscreens in it protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight, Liposhield HEV absorbs high-energy visible light, and Knotgrass extract helps to protect skin from damage caused by Infrared (IR) rays. Thus, CytoPro PolluDefence Serum gives holistic protection to skin from a broad spectrum of the sun’s damaging high-energy rays and harmful pollutants in the environment.